Building A Commodity Cloud with EMC?
Just a quick post to note a recent blog post by Chuck Hollis (@chuckhollis) that discusses some of the issues related to using EMC for commodity clouds. The posting hubs around a conversation I have been having with Chuck trying to understand the EMC product line better and seeing if there is a fit for businesses building cost-effective clouds.
Chuck’s blog posting covers the discussion fairly well and he was very helpful. My final takeaway is that I think there can be a place for EMC, traditionally a ‘premium’ vendor, in even low cost commodity clouds. The challenge however, as he rightfully identifies is that EMC, the business, has a hard time understanding these requirements. The local EMC sales team I’ve been dealing with doesn’t really understand the inherent assumptions I’m making. There is a lot of push to simply purchase the ‘bigger box’.
A strongly recommended read for folks trying to understand both EMC’s potential value proposition in the cloud and how to build ‘scale out’ commodity clouds.